26. März – 13. Juni 2010
CNA Centre national de l’audiovisuel, Dudelange / Luxemburg
Mit Arbeiten von Erik Kessels, Robert Schlotter und Joachim Schmid.
„I was here questions and presents different approaches to the subject of tourism, from a photographic heritage, which seems to be innocuous, anonymous, forgotten and often of average quality – from the technical point of view.
With almost obsessive rigor – but not without humor – Joachim Schmid explores the world of found photographs for many years now, Robert Schlotter, who draws his images from recovered Super8-films, addresses the process of creating memory, and Erik Kessels chases stories worth telling from the collections, which were taken out of their original context.“
CNA / Centre national de l’audiovisuel
1b rue du Centenaire
L-3475 Dudelange
Grand-Duché de Luxemburg